

Original price was: ₹450.00.Current price is: ₹300.00.

ZEOSORB has been introduced to the process purification of drinking water and wastewater due to its large specific surface area and the selective adsorption of substances, such as ammonia, dissolved organic matter and many other cations. Moreover, ZEOSORB has advantageous hydraulic properties, that is – the filtration capacity of large quantities of water. Compared with other adsorbents, ZEOSORB is more stable, has better filter features, accessible and relatively cheaper.




Product Description

Zeosorb® has been introduced to the process purification of drinking water and waste water due to its large specific surface area and the selective adsorption of substances, such as ammonia, dissolved organic matter and many other cations. Moreover, Zeosorb® has advantageous hydraulic properties, that is – the filtration capacity of large quantities of water. Compared with other adsorbents, Zeosorb® is more stable, has better filter features, accessible and relatively cheaper. Based on numerous studies, it can be concluded that Zeosorb® has great potential as effective adsorbent in numerous processes of purification of drinking water and waste water, such as water softening, the removal of ammonia (from municipal waste water, waste water from livestock farms, the barn manure, water from ponds and swimming pools), the removal of nitrogen, the removal of dissolved organic matter and color, the removal of heavy metals (from natural water, acid mine water, industrial waste water), the removal of radioactive substances from waste water, desalination seawater and many others. Zeosorb® performs as poly functional sorbent in the waste water treatment process and it binds a number of harmful components.

Best Features

• Better Filtrate Clarity
• Increased flow rate in gravity System
• Increased flow rate in pressure vessel systems
• Lower capital requirement to increase Filtration Capacity
• Fewer Back wash cycles
• Less Back wash water
• Greater Loading due to greater surface area
• Long media bed life
• Land application of spent ZEOSORB media
• Simpler Handling
• Better Cleaning

Features: Superior Purification of

  • Drinking Water
  • Ground Water
  • Surface Water
  • Waste Water
  • Swimming pool Water
  • Reverse osmosis pre-filtration

Greater Ammonia Adsorption:

  • Reduces Turbidity < 3 micron
  • Controls Chloramines formation
  • Greater Surface Area
  • Long lasting media (> 10 years) not consumed in process

Saves Water:

  • Doubles time between back washes
  • Reduces backwash time by up to 50%
  • Naturally Green Product
  • High capacity filtration


Better Filtrate Clarity: Typical sand/anthracite filter beds have a 12 to 15 micron nominal filter rating. Zeosorb® typically would have a nominal filer rating of less than 3 microns. This property greatly reduces the effluent turbidity, generally measured in national turbidity units (NTUs).

Increased flow rate in gravity System: In a sand/anthracite filter media system the flow rate is typically 3 to 5 m/h. In a Zeosorb® filter media system, the flow rate is typically in the 10 m/h range.

Increased flow rate in pressure vessel systems: In a sand/anthracite pressure vessel filter system the flow rates are typically 15 to 17 m/h. In a Zeosorb® pressure vessel filter system the flow rates are typically in the 29 to 37 (and sometimes 48) m/h range.

Lower capital requirement to increase Filtration Capacity: Generally, the capacity of a filter plant can be doubled with no increase in the plant by switching the filter media to Zeosorb®.

Fewer Back wash cycles: Zeosorb® requires only one half of the backwash cycles that are required by sand/anthracite.

Less Back wash water: The fewer backwash cycles generally cut the amount of backwash water by one third to one half. This means treating less backwash water and greater plant capacity.

Greater Loading due to greater surface area: Zeosorb® generally has 6 to 7 times the surface area as sand. This makes Zeosorb® a much better filter media with greater holding capacity.

Long media bed life: The anticipated filter bed life of Zeosorb® is 10 yrs.


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